Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Talk to Me Tuesday #4

Happy Tuesday!  Today was a short day at work (hello off-site meeting!), so I got to sneak some sewing in today.  Love those days!

My latest finish just went into the washing machine.  Pictures soon =D>

For now, check out my video.  I talk about the quilting class I took last week, my March UFO Finish, and a big, exciting change in my life!

I'll be back tomorrow with some more about my class with Peggy Martin.  Until then...


  1. Love your quilt and video!!!

  2. Congratulations on your new home! How exciting... and what a lot of work you're doing on it!

  3. I know how excited you must be purchasing and getting ready to move in your new house. Congrats!

  4. Sounds like lots of goodness is happening for you now. Your schnibbles is lovely as well as your rehab quilt. I am glad you showed the back. When you were showing the front, I was wishing I could see the back too. It was as if you read my mind. :)

  5. Congratulations!! Hope everything goes smoothly from now until you are settled into your new home. I really like your rehab quilt. Congrats on a great finish! Is it still for that friend?


Thanks so much for stopping by and letting me know you were here! Comments mean so much to me. Have a fantastic day!